Package org.sourceforge.ifx.basetypes

Defines the mappings from xsd datatypes to Java objects.


Interface Summary
IBaseType The IBaseType interface provides two methods to convert from and to a String.

Class Summary
IFXBase64Binary Wrapper class to accomodate xsd:base64Binary which translates to byte[] in Java.
IFXBoolean The IFXBoolean class models the xsd:boolean datatype.
IFXDate The IFXDate class provides an abstraction of the xsd:date datatype.
IFXDateTime The IFXDateTime class provides an abstraction of the xsd:dateTime datatype.
IFXDecimal The IFXDecimal class provides a wrapper for the xsd:decimal type.
IFXHexBinary The IFXHexBinary class provides a wrapper for the xsd:hexBinary datatype.
IFXLong This class provides a wrapper for the xsd:long datatype.
IFXObject This is the superclass from which all IFX beans descend.
IFXString The IFXString class models the xsd:string datatype.
IFXTime The IFXTime class provides an abstraction of the xsd:time datatype.

Package org.sourceforge.ifx.basetypes Description

Defines the mappings from xsd datatypes to Java objects. Each xsd datatype corresponds to a Java Object which implements the IBaseType interface. The IBaseType interface mandates a getString() and setStting() method to convert to and from a java.lang.String datatype.