Package org.sourceforge.ifx.adapter

Contains the legacy adapter generator tool.


Class Summary
MappingTree Models a tree data structure.

Package org.sourceforge.ifx.adapter Description

Contains the legacy adapter generator tool. The legacy adapter generator tool allows the programmer to connect a legacy system with the IFX-Framework by specifying a mapping between the data available from a legacy system and the corresponding data field in the IFX-Framework. The legacy adapter generator will generate a XXXLegacyBean and a XXXLegacyAdapter classes, where XXX is the name of the legacy system. The XXXLegacyBean will need to be populated from the legacy system, and then passed to the XXXLegacyAdapter, which will convert the data to a form suitable for use by the IFX-Framework. The XXXLegacyBean basically provides the data in unwrapped (flat) form, which is then wrapped appropriately by the XXXLegacyAdapter for use by IFX. The reverse also holds true.