Uses of Class

Packages that use Amt
org.sourceforge.ifx.framework.complextype Generated classes for the complextype package. 

Uses of Amt in org.sourceforge.ifx.framework.complextype

Methods in org.sourceforge.ifx.framework.complextype that return Amt
 Amt CurrencyAmount.getAmt()
          Getter for amt

Methods in org.sourceforge.ifx.framework.complextype with parameters of type Amt
 void CurrencyAmount.setAmt(Amt _amt)
          Setter for amt

Uses of Amt in org.sourceforge.ifx.framework.remit.complextype

Methods in org.sourceforge.ifx.framework.remit.complextype that return Amt
 Amt CurrencyAmount.getAmt()
          Getter for amt

Methods in org.sourceforge.ifx.framework.remit.complextype with parameters of type Amt
 void CurrencyAmount.setAmt(Amt _amt)
          Setter for amt